2012年7月14日 星期六

On call 36 hours 小時

Doctors need to be on call for whole day and night and finish work only after the usual 8 or 12 hour daily schedule before going to bed. But this happen to be only apllicable for trainee. For specialist doctor or chief of service in each major specilaty involving emergency care and surgical operation. They are on call for life or on call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Who pay them for the on call? None but the devotion to work and satisfaction in treating patients. Hospital authority would not compensate for that. Neither would the chief of service ask for the compensation like the hours counted in recent doctor- HA settlement on contract hours court case in Hong Kong High court.

The court or judge does sympathise on call doctors but the judge cynically approve for minimal or bare inevitable counting of hourly paid for Sunday "voluntary" or traditionally implied obligatory duty in Sunday or rest day ward round and coverage.

So private specialists doctor are on call everyday for their patient. Neither would they charge a standby fee. But they can choose to accept patient or not. So their call is not compulsory.

To be a doctor , think twice about that. You may need to study 18 hours a day to get finished the medical school. Work with on call 36 hours or at least 32 hours once every three or five days during training. Then on call every day practically for life.

Is it worthwhile, in future blog, I would explain to you that it is worth.

My name is Dr Chung Shiu Shek, specialist in cardiac and thoracic surgery. My clinic number is 3160 8865

